mass exodus

美 [mæs ˈeksədəs]英 [mæs ˈeksədəs]
  • 大规模迁离
mass exodusmass exodus
  1. The potential mass exodus of people was of great concern to the government .


  2. There 's a mass exodus from the city every friday .


  3. And he says , " We 're witnessing what amounts to no less than a mass exodus


  4. To date , there has been no mass exodus of super-delegate support away from Obama .


  5. the very real , very negative effects of radiation being trumped by the upside of a mass exodus of humans .


  6. The mass exodus of East Germans to the West led to the erection of the Berlin Wall in1961 .


  7. This time , there has been mass exodus . The poorest and most vulnerable had buses and trains at the ready .


  8. In November , when many of them will receive the final portion of guaranteed bonuses , there is the risk of mass exodus .


  9. This led to a mass exodus of Ethiopians mainly to Sudan , but also to Somalia and Djibouti .


  10. Warning : Your company starts posting openings for entry-level workers , without announcing new initiatives or experiencing a mass exodus of employees .


  11. And he says , " We 're witnessing what amounts to no less than a mass exodus to virtual worlds and online game environments .


  12. If American hedge funds are required to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission , this will hardly cause a mass exodus from Connecticut ;


  13. He also knew South Africa could ill-afford what had happened at independence in neighbouring Mozambique : a mass exodus of whites with their skills and capital .


  14. By2170 B.C. , archaeological records document a mass exodus from the north , with settlements abandoned and refugees pouring into southern Mesopotamia .


  15. Despite the slump in the country 's stock market – the Shanghai Composite Index is down over 50 per cent on its October 2007 peak – there is little sign of a mass exodus from domestic mutual funds .


  16. In the current capital investment approach , one way or another disadvantage : lack of financial capital investment , the financial capital of the weak nature of the rural economy due to mass exodus , a small amount of private capital , lack of specifications .


  17. Even in august , when a mass holiday Exodus leaves Milan virtually deserted , the small square outside the church bustles with activity .


  18. It noted in a report written last month that yield-hungry retail investors are prone to herding patterns of behaviour when markets become stressed , which could lead to periods of mass fund exodus .
